The Museum offers a series of services and activities, aimed at increasing knowledge in schools of the Castle and its rich heritage. At the beginning of every school year, the Museum presents an educational program for the schools of Parma and the Province, based on the study and knowledge of popular culture and its forms of expression. Puppet construction workshops are offered for children, who can participate after visiting the museum, watching the show and discussing the subject in class under the guidance of their teacher. Taking part in these workshops is a gratifying experience for children, which could result in them staging a class and/or school production: in any event, it is a means of manual expression and an opportunity for play and creativity. The educational vocation of the Castello dei Burattini can also be seen in its relationship with adult visitors and enthusiasts. Over the last few years, the ministerial Cultural Asset Week has presented occasions for exhibiting new curiosities. To date, the Museum has undertaken various projects, ranging from training courses for teachers to specific activities for children; it evens offers guidance on staging school productions for groups of teachers. Briefly, here are some of the initiatives that take place throughout the year: - Guided visits on request – Specific projects for nursery, primary, middle and secondary schools – School trips – Workshops for teachers